How to Start a Daily Devotional
The Bible is its own best teacher. The Bible however is not arranged like an encyclopedia. You cannot go to chapter 1 and read everything about God and go to chapter 2 to read everything about Jesus, etc. Remember when reading the Bible the verses and chapter breaks are placed in the scriptures by man. It is better to read by paragraph, these too are man-made but they do conform better to the original language than verses. Some ground rules need to be set up first:
Pray first before opening God's word. Ask for guidance and to be able to accept what is written and to be able to apply His will to your life.
Never, never read the Bible trying to proof your belief on any subject. It is only human nature to take ideas out of context.
When you are reading and come across something that does not make sense, reread the paragraph or chapter again. If you still do not understand, write down the problem area and continue onward. You may discover the answers later in your reading.
Do not read large amounts of the Bible in one setting. Take breaks often or stay with about 4-6 chapters a day.
Start with the New Testament, people who start with the Old Testament almost never read the Bible all the way through. The New Testament is what is binding on us today. We need to follow God's will for us today.
Forget everything you have ever heard about Jesus, God and the Bible before you start reading the Bible. Don't take what you want it to say with you first.
Now with those in mind, let's lay out the way to read the Bible to let it build on itself:
Read "John." (It contains a lot of the life of Jesus not before read, especially his last two weeks before the crucifixion.)
Read "Matthew." (It goes into better detail of some events and adds more about Jesus.)
Read "Mark." (It is written in chronological order.)
Read "Luke" then "Acts." (Both written by Apostle Paul's traveling companion Luke. Acts is a continuation of Luke. It describes the early church and contains the examples of New Testament conversions.)
Read "Galatians." (It deals with the reasons why we do not follow the Old Testament Laws in a more simplified way than does Romans or Hebrews.)
Then read the rest of the New Testament starting at Romans and going to Revelation.
King James Bible read online here.
King James Bible Old Testament PDF here and New Testament PDF here.
American Standard Bible Old Testament PDF read online or download here.
American Standard Bible New Testament PDF read online or download here.
Children's Bible read online here.
Devotional Guide - Morning and Evening PDF by Charles Spurgeon. read online or download here.
Precious Bible Promises PDF - God's promises for every situation. Read Online here.
Easton's Dictionary PDF read online or download here.
Nave's Topical Bible PDF read online or download here.
Your voyage through God's Word will take a few weeks. It will be the best traveling you can ever take. You will laugh and you will cry, and lots more. It can teach you the most important things for this life and the one to come.
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Bible Scriptures For Every Occasion!
Finding COMFORT when you are LONELY: | Psalm 23:1-6 | Isaiah 41:10 |
Finding COMFORT when you are TROUBLED: | 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 | Romans 8:26-28 |
Finding COURAGE when FEARFUL: | Hebrews 13:5-6 | Ephesians 6:10-18 |
Finding the PATH TO SALVATION: | John 14:6 | Acts 16:31 | Romans 10:9 |
Finding FORGIVENESS in times of CONVICTION: | Isaiah 1:18 | 1 John 1:7-9 |
Finding GUIDANCE when making DECISIONS | James 1:5,6 | Proverbs 3:5-6 |
Finding PEACE in times of TURMOIL | Isaiah 26: 3-4 | Philippians 4:6-7 |
Finding PROTECTION in Times of DANGER | Psalm 91:1-16 | Psalm 121:1-8 |
Finding RELIEF when you are SUFFERING | 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 |Hebrews 12:3-13 |
Finding REST when you are WEARY | Matthew 11:28-29 | Psalm 23:1-6 |
Finding STRENGTH in times of TEMPTATION | James 1:12-16 | 1 Corinthians 10:6-13 |
Finding WARNING when you are INDIFFERENT | Galatians 5:19-21 | Hebrews 10:26-31 |
| |
Where to Look in the Bible For... | |
The Creation | Genesis 1:1-2:25 |
The Fall of Man | Genesis 3:1-3:24 |
The Flood of Noah | Genesis 6:1-9:29 |
The Call of Abraham | Genesis 12:1-9 |
Deliverance of Israel from Egypt | Exodus 11:1-14:31 |
The Ten Commandments | Exodus 20:1-17 |
Dedication of the Temple | 2Chronicles 5:1-7:22 |
The Babylonian Captivity of Israel | 2Chronicles 36:1-23 |
Revival of Israel after Captivity | Nehemiah 8:1-9:38 |
Promises of the Coming Messiah | Isaiah 9:2-7, Psalm 22:1-31, |
The Birth of Christ | Matthew 1:18-2:23, Luke1:26-2:40 |
The Sermon on the Mount | Matthew 5:1-7:29 |
The Golden Rule | Matthew 7:12 |
The Greatest Commandment | Matthew 22:36-40 |
The Triumphal Entry | Luke 19:28-44 |
The Last Supper | Mark 14:12-26 |
The Garden of Gethsemane | Matthew 26:36-40 |
The Betrayal of Jesus | Matthew26:47-56 |
The Arrest & Trial of Jesus | John 18:12-19:16 |
The Death of Christ | Luke 23:26-56, John 19:16-42 |
The Resurrection of Christ | Luke 24:1-53, John 20:1-31 |
The Ascension of Christ | Acts 1:1-12 |
The Coming of the Holy Spirit | Acts 2:1-21 |
The Conversion of Paul | Acts 9:1-31 |
The "Faith Hall of Fame" | Hebrews 11:1-40 |
The Righteousness of Faith | Romans 3:19-28 |
The Royal Law | James 2:8, Romans 13:8-10 |
Christ's New Commandment | John 13:34-35 |
Christian Love | 1Corinthians 13:1-13 |
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