"Trusting Christ as your Savior?"
The foundations for spiritual growth are: Trusting, Read your Bible and Pray every day, attend a local Church and share the Gosple and you will grow spiritually.
Make Sure You Are Saved? If you have any doubts would recommend our first step to knowing God here.
There is only one requirement for salvation-faith in Jesus Christ. Just believe in Him. That’s all you need to do. You are not saved by belonging to a particular church or denomination; no church saves you! You are not saved if your good works outweigh your bad works; they never will! You are saved only by faith in our Savior Jesus Christ
Have you trusted Christ as your Savior? If so, you are saved, secure in the hand of our Sovereign God. You couldn’t be in a better position. You have taken the first step as a new Christian.
You’ve done it. Stepped over the line and accepted God’s free gift of love and salvation, deciding to become a follower of Jesus Christ. You may feel different, forgiven and ready to start a new life. Or you may feel pretty much the same, but with a whole lot of new questions that come with a decision to do life God’s way. If you are unsure check out, you are not saved by feelings and/or are having doubts, you are saved by Faith in God here.
"Read Your Bible"
Get into God’s Word daily. You don’t have to dedicate every waking moment to Bible reading, but you should spend time in God’s Word each day. Find a Bible reading plan on our sister website that you can stick to here. Many people read three chapters a day in their Bible to help them read completely through in one year. Instead of reading for a certain number of chapters each day you can choose to read for a set amount of time.
The Bible is God's Word to us. It reveals the plan of God for all of mankind. It reveals the nature of God, the sinfulness of man, the plan of salvation in Christ, the prospects of heaven for the saved, the doom of the unsaved in hell, guidelines for the Christian to follow in order to live and act as they should. It is God's word to us. It is the most important object we have on this earth.
No matter what step you are in your Christian walk we have 5 free Study Guides sent daily by email for 21 days. More information here.
On our sister website Questions God.Com read more about reading the Bible here or look at our 70 Bible Reading Plans here or our many Bible Study Methods here..
We are to love it, learn it, and then live by it. He will strengthen your faith, speak to your heart, and give you guidance and direction for every need and decision in your life.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalms 119:105).
"Pray Every Day"
While reading the Bible is God's way of communicating with us, prayer is our way of talking to Him. You should have a prayer list that you pray for. A few suggested items for daily prayer are your spouse, kids, extended family members and missionary families you know, etc. You can also pray as God brings needs and blessings to your mind. Certainly you can pray at any time or place; but having a dedicated prayer time each day will help you stay connected with the Lord.
Prayer is Vital to Your Spiritual Growth. Take time everyday to get alone with God and pray. This is a good time for your daily devotion in the Bible too. After studying, then you can pray to the Lord. Just be honest and tell God what is on your heart and how you feel and what you desire.
Check out a Scriptural model prayer here.
"Attend a Local Church"
Have you recently come to Christ as your Savior? If so, it is important for you to start your Christian life right. Now that you have a new life, you need to grow; for growth is as important as birth. What a tragedy it would be if a tiny baby were to remain small all of his life. But it would be equally tragic if you had been born again but never would grow spiritually.
God has given His blessing on the organization of the church. It is the authority which God has established in the life of a believer. The church does not exist to tell an individual Christian what he can and cannot do, rather it was founded by Jesus to give Christians a place where they can serve in the body of Christ and get the spiritual help they need. Reasons why you should go to Church here.
Fellowship with other Christians is one of the things Jesus taught us while he was on the earth. Those who refuse to congregate with other believers are often those who have trouble avoiding temptation in their lives.
Why Go To Church here?
100 Reasons Why you should go to Church here.
"Water Baptism"
Obedience is a key ingredient to spiritual growth. The first step of obedience after salvation that the Bible teaches is water baptism (Matthew 28:19, 20). This announces to others that you have been saved. Baptism does not save the believer, but baptism is a public identification that the person trusts in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection for their salvation. Jesus was baptized as an example for us (Matthew 3:13-17).
More on Water Baptism here.
"Sharing The Gospel"
How Can You Be An Effective Witnesses for Jesus?
1. Ask God to help you see the world as He sees it, and to lay upon your heart people for who you can earnestly pray for.
2. Live a consistent Christian life each day by the help of the Holy Spirit.
3. Build bridges to others. Build relationships with those needing Christ.
4. Learn the Gospel by memorizing certain verses.
5. Watch for openings and/or make openings to share a word for Christ
6. Leave the results with God.
Much more on sharing the Gospel and your personal testimony on our sister website here.
"Serve Others & Give"
Finding a way to be involved in the lives of others is a sure way to grow spiritually. When other people are asking you questions about the Bible you will become more studious of God’s Word. As a Christian who is involved in a local church, there are plenty of opportunities to give to the needs of the church and the needs of others. Besides the fact that the Bible teaches us that everything belongs to God, it teaches the principle of the tithe. The Bible clearly shows that we should support the work of the ministry (1 Corinthians 16:1, 2; 2 Corinthians 9:7), and particularly those who teach us God’s Word (1 Timothy 5:17).
At our sister website Questions God. Com OUR COMPLETE 8 STEPS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH!
Knowing God Personally Here Next Steps For New Christians Here Next Steps For Christians Here
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